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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category blog

How to Get Tire Shine Off Car Paint?

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To achieve a spotless exterior finish free from the residual shine of tire products, it’s essential to have a systematic approach. Tire shine can inadvertently spray onto car paint during application, leaving behind an unsightly residue. In the following section,…

Can You Use Glass Cleaner on Car Windows?

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Using glass cleaner on car windows is generally safe and effective, particularly if the cleaner is designed for automotive use. These products are formulated to tackle road grime and residues without damaging window tint or leaving streaks. However, when choosing…

Will Bad Rear Shocks Cause Vibration?

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Experiencing vibrations in your vehicle can be discomforting and may signal underlying issues that require immediate attention. A common culprit for such vibrations is the wear or failure of rear shocks. Deteriorated rear shocks are unable to properly absorb the…

Will Bad Struts Cause Vibration in My Car?

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Bad struts or suspension components can be primary culprits of vibration in a vehicle. These integral parts of a car’s suspension system are designed to absorb the shocks from road irregularities, ensuring a smooth ride. When they wear out or…

Bad Struts and Shocks Can Affect Your Vehicle

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When the struts on a vehicle are failing, they can manifest several symptoms that affect the performance and safety of the vehicle. Bad struts can lead to a less comfortable ride, compromised handling, and increased wear on other suspension components.…

What to Do if You Get Motor Oil in Your Eye?

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Experiencing the unfortunate event of getting motor oil in your eye can be both alarming and potentially harmful. Motor oil is not designed to have any contact with the delicate tissues of the human eye, therefore, it’s critical to know…

Can I Use Glass Cleaner On Car Paint?

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When it comes to maintaining the aesthetic appeal of a car, the question of which cleaning products are safe to use is paramount. Can I Use Glass Cleaner On Car Paint? – This question may lead many car owners to…

Can evap leak cause rough Idle


An evaporative emission system (EVAP) leak can indeed cause a car to experience a rough idle. This system is designed to capture fuel vapors before they can escape into the atmosphere. When there is a leak, the balance of air…