Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


why is my steering wheel hot? – Causes

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Experiencing a hot steering wheel can be both puzzling and uncomfortable, particularly on days when the ambient temperature isn’t exceptionally high. Commonly, this issue arises due to prolonged exposure to sunlight, which not only heats the surface of the wheel…

Accidentally put brake fluid in Power Steering?


Accidentally pouring brake fluid into the power steering system can lead to significant mechanical issues, as the two fluids are not interchangeable and have distinct properties. This mistake can damage the power steering pump and the entire steering system, potentially…

Milky power steering fluid – Looks

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Milky power steering fluid is often a tell-tale sign of water contamination within the power steering system. This can occur due to leaks in the system where water and moisture find their way in, commonly through worn seals or component…

Which Mercedes Models Have A Heated Steering Wheel?

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As comfort features in vehicles become increasingly standard, heated steering wheels have emerged as a coveted amenity for drivers in colder climates. Among the automotive brands offering this luxury, Mercedes-Benz stands out for its commitment to premium comfort across its…

Does power steering affect brakes?

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While it may not be initially obvious, the power steering system can have an indirect effect on your vehicle’s braking performance. Typically, power steering uses the car’s hydraulic pressure or an electric motor to make steering your vehicle easier and…

Can you drive without power steering pump?


Driving without a functioning power steering pump is possible, but it requires significantly more effort and can compromise the driver’s control over the vehicle. The power steering pump is a critical component of the steering system, providing the necessary hydraulic…

Why Is My Car’s Power Steering Warning Light On?


When driving your vehicle, encountering a “Service Power Steering” light can be concerning. This warning indicator signals that there is an issue within the power steering system, which could range from minimal fluid levels to more severe mechanical malfunctions. Addressing…